office help

PC tech support Do you notice regular, repetitive tasks that take time and frustrate employees? Automation can help. I customize automated systems to fit the way that your office functions. Here are some examples.

I created an automated system on a PC to write appointment reminders for a dentist's office. The system both sends email reminders and writes postcard reminders. The system alerts you to adjustments that you might consider making. Automation made appointment reminders faster, easier, and more customizable.

A client's letters to patients included a dizzying number of details. The letters had many sections, each with a different format. It was too much for the staff to remember. An automated system helps in the following ways: It asks for certain often-forgotten details. It automatically supplies other details. It formats all sections of the letter properly. It even searches the letter for certain medical terms, and automatically puts definitions in a footnote if those medical terms were mentioned in the letter. So the automated system generates a complete, properly formatted first draft. You can then edit the letter in Microsoft Word. With the new system, letter writing is now faster and easier, and letters needed fewer rewrites.

An example of a solution to my own business problem: When someone wanted to read my professional services agreement, they had to wait until I could write it and send it. Not any more. Now the process is automated. My website writes the agreement for the customer, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, whether I am available or not. The customer can print it from his or her own computer. The automated system also emails me a copy of the agreement. Then the agreement can be edited as needed.

For a free needs assessment by phone, you are welcome to call 610-584-8394.

Best regards,
Laura Swart, M.A.
Office EMT

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